Monday, January 24, 2011


Cue the Jimmy Buffet music.  I just got back from a weekend in Sihanoukville and had a fantastic time.  The bus ride was sort of a fun experience.  We took a sleeper bus which is simply a bus with rows and rows of beds.  They increase the number of people they can squeeze in by raising the head of the bed and putting the foot of the next bed under it.  I'll upload a photo eventually.  A sleeper bus is a must since the trip is nearly 11 hours.  But it's not all that easy to sleep on the bus.  I'll bet you think you could make the trip go faster if you were in a car.  But I'll bet you would be wrong.  We were FLYING on the road out there.  And the thing is, the road kinda sucked.  I was always on the bottom bunk so I couldn't see the road (I had about 2 inches of window to peek out of), but from the feel of things, big chunks of it were not paved.  That didn't seem the faze the driver in the least.  Large segments of our return trip on our Phnom Penh-Siem Reap leg were spent with the wheels not even touching road.  This ride scared me more than ANY roller coast I've ever been on.  But, I will say that the trip was worth it.  It was a much needed change of scenery.  Chilled out on a nice beach with a good book, watched a good movie (127 Hours), went on a boat ride to an island, went diving, "sampled" the local cocktails, made some very cool new friends, ate some amazing seafood barbecue, got a haircut (finally), and visited downtown Sihanoukville.  Not necessarily in that order.  So today I went back to the clinic.  The weather has changed and not in a good way.  It got hot.  And humid.  Very humid.  I actually got light-headed several times in the clinic today and had to step out for some fresh air.  Note to self: buy a fan, winter in Siem Reap is over.

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