Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy "Hour"

On a lighter note (and for those of you with no interest in medicine or unpleasant-looking skin lesions), here are a few random photos from the last couple of days:
A liberal use of the word "hour". 

One of the orphanage kids.

A Cambodian wedding that started more than 24 hours ago.  Weddings here go for two days straight. 


  1. Oh happy hour, how I miss you! I also miss the heat - we got snow in Toronto for the first time in weeks and the temperature's dropping. I shovelled once and now the car is covered again!
    Your stories are incredible, by the way. Keep it up, when you've got time. -J.

  2. Happy Hour misses you too! Am I imagining things or didn't we have $0.25 beers somewhere?? If so, that means there has been 100% inflation over the last year. (What do you mean beer's not a barometer for inflation??) Sorry about the snow. I've been doing my best to refrain from raving about the weather here. Thanks for your kind words. I'm having fun writing this.

  3. Dude! 50 cents for a beer? What a rip off! They were 25 cents when we were there last year :)
